Stefanie Mahr Damien
Candidate for Maine State House District 88

About Stefanie


I am mother of two adult daughters, a small business owner, and an active member of the community. I love Auburn and have always tried to give back through my work with the Women’s Literary Union, Auburn Business Assosciation, and as a former member of the chamber of commerce. Through my work I have seen the growing dissatisfaction in our city about things like the partisan infighting in Augusta, immigration, and the rising cost of living. The desire to make a positive difference in these matters (and many more) is what inspired me to run to be our State Representative in Augusta.

As your representative, I would fight to build more affordable housing that doesn’t destroy the unique character of our city. It is vital that those who work hard can afford to live independently and start their own families. It is also our duty to make sure the disabled and elderly can afford homes. I will also work to make it faster and easier for migrants to begin working so they can be positive additions to our state’s economy instead of forcing them to exist on state handouts. This would help solve Maine’s worker shortage and reduce taxes.

As your representative, I will work hard on your behalf. I will make myself easily accessible to my constituents so I can listen to and act on the concerns you communicate to me. I will be guided by your voices, not partisanship. I will do everything I can to help Auburn reach its full potential.

(above photo credit: Dan and Kat Lacasse)

On the Issues

Mental Health

We need to ensure all those in our community have access to quality affordable mental health care resources. Access to mental health care services will help those in need live happier and healthier lives and it will make our towns safer and more successful.

Small Business Development

I will work to get our small businesses the resources they need to thrive. This will not just support our pre-existing businesses, it will also attract new talent to our town and encourage the creation of many new businesses such as organic farming, beekeeping, and home-based businesses. The result of this will be more money flowing into towns and an increase in their vibrant cultures

Affordable Housing

I believe those working in our district should be able to afford to live here. For that to happen we need more affordable housing options. I hope that one day all Mainers will be able to have somewhere to call home. However, any development on this front should be done very carefully by prioritizing the preservation of each community’s character and by respecting the will of the preexisting residents.

Endorsed By

Lynn Kovitch: Damien wants Auburn to reach its full potential

Stefanie Mahr Damien is the obvious choice for House District 88.

She is passionate about the environment, taking care of our aging neighbors, mental health services, housing affordability and supporting small business development. These are issues our area is deeply affected by and should be at

the forefront this election season.

Stefanie does not fall victim to the partisan traps of her opponent. She listens and cares about Auburn reaching its full potential.

I hope people vote Stefanie Mahr Damien this November.

Lynn Kovitch, Auburn

(as originally printed in the September 5th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)

Karen Pelletier: Damien ‘would work across the aisle’ for constituents’ best outcome

I am writing in support of Stefanie Mahr Damien for Maine House Representatives District 88.

Stefanie is passionate about helping people improve their lives. She has the ability to listen, problem solve and research to find solutions. She would bring people together to get help with these challenges.

She wants to make a difference in the challenges facing our communities, such as homelessness, substance abuse disorder and more support for day cares. She would work across the aisle for the best outcome for her


Voters in Auburn District 88 deserve to have Stefanie represent them in Augusta.

Karen Pelletier, Lisbon

(as originally printed in the September 6th edition of the Lewiston Sun Journal)


Stefanie needs your help! Sign up now!

Contact Stefanie

(978) 590-5105